There are so many ways to use CBD Miracle Drops and here at Disciple HQ we've been experimenting for a few months - here are our fave ways to use the ‘Miracle Molecule’
Charlotte; I’m a purest, so I most often take CBD Miracle Drops directly under the tongue. I’m always running around town so I keep a bottle of Miracle Drops in my bag. When I'm feeling anxious, stressed or lacking focus I drop half a pipette under the tongue and let it slowly do its magic. This is the most direct way to take CBD and it begins to work in a few minutes.
Dorina; In true Game of Thrones fashion, it is safe to say that the long winter has come and brought with it the dreaded dry scalp. The recent cold weather combined with the indoor dry central heating is playing havoc on my scalp health. But let me tell you, CBD is the best thing to have ever happened for keeping scalp moisturised and healthy! For best results I place my CBD bottle in a bowl of moderately warm water to warm through. I then combine about 20 drops with castor oil. Then I massage the warm mixture onto my scalp and hair for 5-10 minutes. This helps the blood flow and increases absorption onto the affected area. I leave the scalp treatment for a minimum of 1 hour, then wash and style my hair as normal. The effects are immediate, my scalp feels smoother, the dandruff is drastically reduced and my hair already feels stronger! If you’re struggling with maintaining a healthy scalp and hair try doing this at least twice a week and you’ll notice a huge difference.
Daniella; If you’ve seen my #TuesdayTakeover on our Instagram you’ll know I suffer from eczema and dry skin. My skin is also super sensitive. But, newsflash, Miracle Drops 1% CBD has improved my dry sensitive skin in such a short period of time! I use it every night with Dreamy Skin, our night oil. I use three drops of Dreamy Skin, three drops of miracle drops 100mg CBD and place it into my palms, heating up the oils and apply directly to my face and neck. I also gently sweep the oils across my dry eyes. Not only do I fall asleep really quickly but in the morning my eyes aren’t red or dry! I can’t recommend this product enough for any eczema sufferers.
How will you use yours? #MyCBD
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