Winter Evening Routine With Brand Ambassador Claude

Working full time and trying to be a functioning adult can be exhausting, which is why my evening routine is so important. I love coming back to my humble flat after a long day at work to unwind and recharge in preparation for the next day, allowing myself to put any stresses to one side. For those curious or keen to adopt new tips and tricks, here’s a rundown of my evening routine.

     1. Get into something comfy

After I’ve been sitting at my desk all day wearing jeans and a bra (so uncomfortable), switching into something more comfortable is the sign of the start of my evening routine. It’s nothing glamorous; I’m usually donning my scruffy jogging bottoms and an oversized hoodie, topped off by some fluffy bed socks, but I instantly start to feel more relaxed.

     2. Removing my makeup

It’s essential for me that my face feels cleansed and moisturised before I head to bed, which is why using Night Shift is perfect. The oil gently exfoliates my skin, effortlessly melts my makeup off and smells amazing as it’s massaged in. Using a warm muslin cloth – which actually comes with Night Shift – I then wipe away the remnants of the day, taking extra care around my eye area as this skin is super sensitive for me.

     3. Moisturise me!

Night Shift leaves my skin feeling so soft and smooth, but I like to add an extra bit of moisture to see me through the night. My go-to product for this is Dreamy Skin which is packed with essential fatty acids and a dose of retinyl. I apply around 3-4 drops of this and make sure that it’s fully absorbed into my skin before doing anything else. In the morning, my skin feels juicy and nourished, arming me with the confidence to tackle the day.

     4. Stop the spot

My skin can be amazing one second and throwing a teenage tantrum the next. I experience hormonal acne predominantly on my chin which can really knock my confidence at times. However, What Spot comes flying in to the rescue! This little pocket rocket contains everything you need to calm down a blemish overnight without using harsh chemicals too! I simply roll it over my problem areas a few times and leave it be. Once this is done, I’m ready for bed and a restful night’s sleep.

Written by brand ambassador, Claude